Cultural Observations

Premium access to AustraliaNOW

Cultural Observations

Premium access to AustraliaNOW


Insights to help decision-makers monitor trends and understand the current sentiment of the nation.



In March 2020, Quantum launched a new sentiment and social trends monitor specifically to understand how Australians’ feelings, thoughts and values were shifting day-to-day during the COVID-19 pandemic. Since then, ongoing surveys have tracked the mood and sentiment of Australians as we have faced life as we have never experienced it before.

Now having conducted over 130,000 surveys, this study provides a robust evidence-base for understanding Australians and the key considerations for decision-makers now and into the future.

AustraliaNOW provides a fast, reliable and cost-efficient option for you to understand the issues that are directly affecting your organisation.



  • Financial confidence and direction of personal lives (including work and mental health)
  • Job security
  • Bill stress (ability to pay household expenses)
  • Perceived direction of the country (including leadership, environment, etc.)
  • Confidence in State and Federal Government
  • Key issues for Government to take action on
  • Spending intentions across several categories
  • At least one deep dive topic per month (past topics have included environment/sustainability, mental health, work and business, staff shortages, travel and tourism, spending, etc.)
Click here to see an example report.



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